It can be difficult for Baltimore residents to read about tragic accidents that severely injure or kill other individuals. Of course, the matter becomes much more tragic when a person's friends or family members are the ones who are injured.
Recently, a tragic auto accident took the life of an 18-year-old man. The man was crossing the road when he was struck by a BMW. Making matters worse, the man was thrown into the other lane of the road, where he was hit by a second vehicle. The man was pronounced dead at the scene from the car accident injuries he suffered.
In cases like the above where multiple vehicles contribute to a person's injuries, individuals may wonder how to prove which of the drivers could be considered a negligent driver in a personal injury lawsuit. Since causation must be proven in the lawsuit, after all, individuals may wonder whether they can succeed if they do not know definitively which car actually caused the death or injury of the individual.
Fortunately, while the facts may be somewhat more complicated when multiple vehicles are involved, the legal issues are not all that different. The injured party typically can prove that the multiple drivers were at fault and responsible for the injuries. Those drivers will then be held accountable for the person's injuries, even if they may have some fighting as to which driver was more at fault than the other.
For instance, if a person is struck by two vehicles, typically the person can recover all of his or her damages from either of the two drivers. The two drivers then may have a fight as to which of them is more at fault for the person's injuries, but that fight will not impact the recovery of the injured person. Accordingly, injured individuals may actually benefit from having multiple people to hold accountable as opposed to just one, because they have another party who is financially responsible for the injuries.